Saturday, August 28, 2010

gold membeship (tips)

hey,problems of not being a member listen up to my free accounts everyday or chance to win a newly registered dizzywood gold membership account well it's up to you u listen or not :)

~from dizzywood ur online friend
~happy endings community bloggers I am part of it :)


how to get free ugly clothes?click the clothing wagon
is it on presto's edge?no go to presto's grove
do you need to pay?no


hello,if your angry at someone block the user,and always use the cheat 2 k that helps me so!!,I've done it a hundred times!! so try the cheats now !!

accounts free

its gold membership lol


~ur friend from dizzywood :)

cheats yay

hey if ya want to saybad words follow this ok type one letter like this f then wait for 3-5 seconds then write another word u ,c, k until it forms into bad words !!

but if you dont follow the 3-5 seconds you'll be muted 4 three seconds got it but don't type this word d
t you will be muted k

~from the comunity of dizzywood bloggers i got this by my own self k thx.


heya,watcha doin well sweetcupcake321,xylene_trixy,and zellouhuett the gold members are all offline if I said that i will give you their account the owners will kill me so they are all offline maybe nextime i can give it to ya now :)

~you friend in dizzywood always online ;)

~God bless you :D
hey don't worry on tuesday-friday i couldn't write on you well its actually schooldays but maybe sometime i can write he news cheats and accounts ;)
~your friend in dizzywood ;)

hope good lucks to you

Friday, August 27, 2010

coins click click here

tips how to get coins free!!well log in 1-50 each day so you will get 100,200,1000,1500,2000,10000,25000 agreed and meet all in it and have 4 500 coins :)

oh like the accounts givin it 4 free!



not so sure didn't look at my email heheh :)


you know this cheat is pretty old so you know this already stealing hats right?
ok first you buy cat ears and after buying click CAPS LOCK then you say a word with caps lock on like this:I WANT TO STEAL THIS HAT and after click what hat do you want then run as fast to the exit yay!! is it helpful?

(warning:this only works for hat stealing not clothes!!)
(note:the hat should not be taked off when you run to the exit or it will not work 4 reall :( !!)

ur friend in dizzywoods,